Hyphens to the RESCUE!!

Posted: 10/21/2011 in Just A Post

Well, it’s time for us Hyphens to get our engines running again!

The “Internet Music Festival” (“Imusicfes”) is holding a voting poll, and KAT-TUN needs your help!

Last time I checked, they are currently stranded on 3rd place, far behind 1 & 2.

Thus… *epic music starts* it is our duty as a loyal Hyphens to help out those in need.

Please vote for KAT-TUN here: http://imusicfes.com/

You can officially vote up to 10 times, but if you delete your internet cookies, you should be able to vote again, and again, and again, and… well, you get the idea. 😉


eienKATTUN has made a compilation of everyone who needs points to continue voting on KAT-TUN. (Not sure how it works, but hey, I’m just the messenger)
All you have to do (besides voting like crazy) is click on each user link, and voilà! More points are added!
You can find the compilation here: http://eienkattun.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/imusicfes-worlwide-support-fo…


3… 2… 1… GO VOTE! 😀

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